——– Oorspronkelijke bericht ——–
Onderwerp: | Fwd: hierdoor heb jij met glans je studies wonderwel gelijktijdig kunnen doen en ontvang je maandelijks een riant salaris, jonathan |
Datum: | 13-08-2024 20:39 |
Afzender: | Prophets Council Jerusalem <info@prophetscounciljerusalem.org> |
Ontvanger: | j.e.soeharno@uva.nl, jonathan.soeharno@debrauw.com |
Kopie: | info@dehaanlaw.nl, info@pactadvocaten.nl, info@kooijmanautar.nl, info@thna.nl, info@labre.nl, info@kosteradvocaten.nl, info@florent.nl, info@rozemond.nl, info@vestius.com, info@vangelderen.nl, info@griffioenlegal.nl, info@bergadvocaten.nl, info@wybenga-advocaten.nl, info@dirkzwager.nl, info@goorts-coppens.nl, info@schoutenlegal.com, info@eldermansgeerts.nl, info@quaelegal.nl, info@vbk.nl, info@bvdlaw.nl, info@lagrogeelkerken.nl, info@heussen-law.nl, info@berghstoop.com, info@cleerdin-hamer.nl, info@bosselaar.com, info@schelstraete.nl, info@blenheim.nl, info@kosteradvocaten.nl, info@velinkenbedie.nl, info@ruttenwelling.nl, info@vankaam.nl, info@hekkelman.nl, info@solv.nl, info@bugelhajema.nl, info@vissersadvocaten.nl, info@rassers.nl, eva.verhoef@hvglaw.nl, info@gmw.nl, info@vanvanriet.nl, info@huisman.nl, info@blokhuisbraaksma.nl, info@vanginnekenadvocaten.nl, info@amsadvocaten.nl, info@amsadvocaten.nl, wieringa@wieringa.nl |
——– Oorspronkelijke bericht ——–
Onderwerp: | hierdoor heb jij met glans je studies wonderwel gelijktijdig kunnen doen en ontvang je maandelijks een riant salaris, jonathan |
Datum: | 13-08-2024 17:02 |
Afzender: | Prophets Council Jerusalem <info@prophetscounciljerusalem.org> |
Ontvanger: | j.e.soeharno@uva.nl, jonathan.soeharno@debrauw.com |
Kopie: | info@debrauw.com, info@nautadutilh.com, amsterdam@stibbe.com, info@houthoff.com, info@akd.eu, info@vandoorne.com, info@pelsrijcken.nl, info@barentskrans.nl, info@kvdl.com, info@allenovery.com, info@cliffordchance.com, info@bakermckenzie.com, PR@linklaters.com, info@freshfields.com, communications@us.dlapiper.com, info@cmslegal.com, info@twobirds.com, email-abuse@dentons.com, netherlands@simmons-simmons.com, privacyoffice@gtlaw.com, dpo@hoganlovells.com, privacy@jonesday.com, info@nortonrosefulbright.com, Privacy.UK@osborneclarke.com, info@vbk.nl, info@stek.com, clientconsole@eversheds-sutherland.com, generalcontact@pinsentmasons.com, info@burenlegal.com, info@dirkzwager.nl, info@lexence.com, info@rutgersposch.com, info@thuispartners.com, privacy@trip.nl, info@ploum.nl, info@vondst.com, a.kapteijn@habrakenrutten.com, info@florent.nl, info@vantraa.nl, info@lexquor.com, info@tk.nl, info@nysingh.nl, info@bg.legal, info@valegis.com, info@versteegwigman.com, mail@hocker.nl, nfo@wintertaling.com, amsterdam@vandiepen.com, info@vil.nl, info@ak-advocaten.eu, info@lxa.nl, info@pvdb.nl, info@wijnenstael.nl, info@kneppelhout.nl, info@holla.nl, info@herikverhulst.nl, info@levenbach.com, info@stijladvocaten.nl, info@vantill.nl, info@boekx.com, info@kienhuishoving.nl, info@paltheoberman.nl, kinfo@taxand.nl, office@knoopsadvocaten.nl, info@devriesvanspanje.nl |
——– Oorspronkelijke bericht ——–
Onderwerp: | hierdoor heb jij met glans je studies wonderwel gelijktijdig kunnen doen en ontvang je maandelijks een riant salaris, jonathan |
Datum: | 08-08-2024 16:20 |
Afzender: | Prophets Council Jerusalem <info@prophetscounciljerusalem.org> |
Ontvanger: | j.e.soeharno@uva.nl, jonathan.soeharno@debrauw.com |
Kopie: | emma.janzing@minbzk.nl, karin.fraai@minbzk.nl, thomas.oortmerssen@minbzk.nl, anna.wijers@minbzk.nl, maret.albert@minbzk.nl, m.c.schulmaijer@minocw.nl, j.w.schouten@minocw.nl, n.rodenburg@minocw.nl, m.m.keunen@minocw.nl, k.bouazzati@minocw.nl, a.kooper@minocw.nl, l.j.gaster@minocw.nl, j.c.neleman@minocw.nl, f.a.paardekooper@minocw.nl, m.kamans@minocw.nl, y.vanriet@minocw.nl, hayat@minfin.nl, r.j.f.mikkers@minfin.nl, r.koole@minfin.nl, l.priem@minfin.nl, t.m.cijntje@minfin.nl, haverkort@minfin.nl, j.wegen@minfin.nl, w.m.bakhuizen@minfin.nl, j.lowe@minfin.nl, j.f.h.sande@minfin.nl, j.eikelboom@minfin.nl, p.broeke@minfin.nl, k.r.j.m.rijk@minfin.nl, e.c.s.cool@minfin.nl, me.molenbeek@douane.nl, Me.kuiper@douane.nl, y.cakiroglu@douane.nl, m.van.der.wind@douane.nl, h.e.stenfertkroese@minfin.nl, s.demirhan@inspectiebtd.nl, persvoorlichting@mindef.nl, sm.louwhoff@mindef.nl, r.piet@mindef.nl, PTEJ.Honings@mindef.nl, ka.meijer@mindef.nl, JM.Esser@mindef.nl, KE.Leers@mindef.nl, la.bos@mindef.nl, TB.kummel@mindef.nl, amg.v.hout@mindef.nl, K.d.Jong.12@mindef.nl, m.vd.beek.01@mindef.nl, rssj.franssen@mindef.nl, s.celen@mindef.nl, LAS.v.Kollenburg@mindef.nl, EH.Abma.01@mindef.nl, H.Sikkes@mindef.nl, AJ.Staarink@mindef.nl, sarah.van.amerongen@minienw.nl, inge.rijgersberg@minienw.nl, frank.verhoef@minienw.nl, liz.zoetekouw@minienw.nl, richard.funnekotter@minienw.nl, jaap.steensma@minienw.nl, fleur.venner@minienw.nl, judith.jansen@minienw.nl, susanne.uilenbroek@minienw.nl, lennart.wegewijs@minienw.nl, Joris.drost@minienw.nl, Marianne.Wuite@minienw.nl, l.kwakernaak@minezk.nl, h.hanemaaijer@minezk.nl, m.vanleeuwen@minezk.nl, e.a.malko1@minezk.nl, J.Sluiter@minlnv.nl, A.G.Buis@minlnv.nl, E.vandenBosch@minlnv.nl, t.c.vanaerts@minlnv.nl, l.c.a.deroos@minlnv.nl, d.m.l.m.vanommen@minlnv.nl, c.m.heijdra@minlnv.nl, d.degruijl@minlnv.nl, c.t.teunissen@minlnv.nl, j.e.p.vankessel@minlnv.nl, i.m.c.freriksen@minjenv.nl, a.l.e.geerts@minjenv.nl, d.a.van.loon@minjenv.nl, m.g.van.den.eng@minjenv.nl, d.b.m.van.bakel@minjenv.nl, churchoffice@theblessing.nl |
——– Oorspronkelijke bericht ——–
Onderwerp: | hierdoor heb jij met glans je studies wonderwel gelijktijdig kunnen doen en ontvang je maandelijks een riant salaris, jonathan |
Datum: | 08-08-2024 13:26 |
Afzender: | Prophets Council Jerusalem <info@prophetscounciljerusalem.org> |
Ontvanger: | j.e.soeharno@uva.nl, jonathan.soeharno@debrauw.com |
Kopie: | m.aardema@tweedekamer.nl, i.eabassi@tweedekamer.nl, m.bamenga@tweedekamer.nl, r.blaauw@tweedekamer.nl, maikel.boon@tweedekamer.nl, v.vdborn@tweedekamer.nl, w.boutkan@tweedekamer.nl, f.bruyning@tweedekamer.nl, e.vdburg@tweedekamer.nl, g.chakor@tweedekamer.nl, r.claassen@tweedekamer.nl, p.crijns@tweedekamer.nl, m.deen@tweedekamer.nl, d.j.h.vdijk@tweedekamer.nl, o.vdijk@tweedekamer.nl, s.dobbe@tweedekamer.nl, w.veijk-nagel@tweedekamer.nl, d.ergin@tweedekamer.nl, e.esser@tweedekamer.nl, a.flach@tweedekamer.nl, g.gabriels@tweedekamer.nl, j.vhaasen@tweedekamer.nl, r.hertzberger@tweedekamer.nl, h.heutink@tweedekamer.nl, d.hirsch@tweedekamer.nl, p.vdhoeff@tweedekamer.nl, h.holman@tweedekamer.nl, d.e.m.c.jansen@tweedekamer.nl, a.joseph@tweedekamer.nl, i.kahraman@tweedekamer.nl, a.kisteman@tweedekamer.nl, ines.kostic@tweedekamer.nl, a.lahlah@tweedekamer.nl, c.martens-america@tweedekamer.nl, r.vmeetelen@tweedekamer.nl, w.meulenkamp@tweedekamer.nl, j.mooiman@tweedekamer.nl, j.nijhof-leeuw@tweedekamer.nl, j.nordkamp@tweedekamer.nl, t.voostenbruggen@tweedekamer.nl, s.palmen-schlangen@tweedekamer.nl, m.patijn@tweedekamer.nl, c.pierik@tweedekamer.nl, a.pijpelink@tweedekamer.nl, j.pool@tweedekamer.nl, d.ram@tweedekamer.nl, i.rooderkerk@tweedekamer.nl, j.sixdijkstra@tweedekamer.nl, e.slagt-tichelman@tweedekamer.nl, p.smitskam@tweedekamer.nl, a.soepboer@tweedekamer.nl, l.stultiens@tweedekamer.nl, m.tseggai@tweedekamer.nl, j.valize@tweedekamer.nl, m.vdvelde@tweedekamer.nl, h.veltman@tweedekamer.nl, h.vermeer@tweedekamer.nl, e.vlottes@tweedekamer.nl, m.vondeling@tweedekamer.nl, c.vdwal-zeggelink@tweedekamer.nl, r.welzijn@tweedekamer.nl, r.white@tweedekamer.nl, c.vzanten@tweedekamer.nl, f.zeedijk-raeven@tweedekamer.nl, rvd.pers.mp@minaz.nl, ew.petit@minvws.nl, k.mostafi@minvws.nl, jg.kootstra@minvws.nl, rm.schelberg@minvws.nl, mischastub@minvws.nl, emilie.wvm@minvws.nl, r.rous@minvws.nl, ve.v.aller@minvws.nl, ruben.vandorssen@minvws.nl, j.holzhauer@minvws.nl, tg.bennebroek@minvws.nl, j.h.p.tenbruggencate@minezk.nl, f.f.barends@minezk.nl, t.vandijk@minezk.nl, cgelinck@minszw.nl, stoksoz@minszw.nl, tvveghel@minszw.nl, mweeda@minszw.nl, bmoenaff@minszw.nl, fbartelds@minszw.nl |
je bent levensgevaarlijk!
the initial splites and initial programming done at china lake, ca.
the primary or initial torture for many children in western u.s. was done at china lake
which officially has gone under the designations naval ordinance test station
(pronounced in short as nots), naval weapons center, nwc, ridgecrest (the town
nearby), and inyo-kern (the area).the address of nimitz hospital is the code “232 naval
air weapons station”. the base was set up to test “new weapons”.
evidently, the navy decided that mind controlled people were an important weapon to
test. most of the “new weapons” created at china lake were for the most part human
robots turned out in large numbers. the monarch mind control was carried out in large
airplane hangers on the base which have been able to house thousands of tiny cages just
large enough for human babies. lots of 1,000 babies was a small batch.
according to people who worked in the hangers helping program, many batches were
2,000 or 3,000 babies. many survivors remember the thousands of cages housing little
children from ceiling to floor. the cages were hot wired (electrified on the ceiling, bottom
and sides) so that the children who are locked inside can receive horrific electric shocks
to their bodies to groom their minds to split into multiple personalities. these cages are
called woodpecker grids.
the victim sees a flash of light when high d.c. voltage is applied. later, this flash of light
is used with hypnotic induction to make the person think they are going into another
dimension when they are blasted “with high voltage. in the peter pan programming, the
programmers tell the slaves that this is riding the light.”
one of the popular traumas after the small child has endured the woodpecker grid cages
for days is to rape it. the rape is intentionally brutal so that it will be as traumatic as
possible. many of the technical people on the base are civilians. this is in part because
part of the research involves mind-control, and illuminati civilian mind-control experts
have come and gone from the base.
the california institute of technology at pasadena is intimately connected to china
lake’s research (and by the way to the illuminati). also much of the work at the facility is
for the intelligence agencies and not the military. intelligence assets are often civilians.
one of the things developed in the california universities and then implemented at china
lake was color programming, which will be covered later in this book.
red and green were discovered to be the most visible colors for programming. various
colored flashing lights were used in programming at nots. survivors of the programming
all remember flashing lights. the use of flashing lights has been introduced into american
culture by the cia. if a person goes into bars and places where bands play, you will
notice multi-colored lights flashing. the flashing lights create disassociation, especially in
people who are programmed.
how children are transported to a major programming site
a list of major programming centers is given in an appendix, along with each site’s
programming specialties. in this chapter, an example of just one of the bases used for
early programming is given, the large and very secret china lake facility in california
near death valley. the children are brought into the china lake nwc (aka nots) base
by trains, planes and cars. a number of the small airfields which fly these children into
china lake have been identified. Read More Page 15
Uit: the formula used to create an undetectable mind controlled slave, fritz springmeijer
In Naam Van De Allerhoogste,
Tot Eer Van Hem, Zijn Zoon Jezus Christus
En Zijn Bruid De Sulammitische,
Tot Uitleiding Van Zijn Geroepen Kinderen
En Tot Herstel Van Zijn Schepping
Zijn Getuige,
Joshua David Israel Immanuel Ben Sion
Richter In Het Nieuwe Werk
In De Mantel – Mic. 4:8 –
– Jesaja 43:19, Mattheus 26:13, Openbaring 12 –
Prophets Council Jerusalem
In Name Of The Most High,
To Honor Him, His Son Jesus Christ And His Bride The Shulamith,
To Lead Out His Called Children And For The Restoration Of Creation
Spoken In His Holy Name,
Joshua David Israel Immanuel Ben Sion
Judge In The New Work
In The Mantle – Mic. 4:8 –
– Isaiah 43:19, Matthew 26:13, Revelation 12 –
Prophets Council Jerusalem